
Friday, July 22, 2005

Rashid's Essay Revisited (TB treatment)

Blogmates! This comment / edit got 'lost' on the server (always paste edits onto the clipboard!)

Let me know what you think, you silent majority!

How do you think society will be affected by the growth of telecommuting?

Many telecommuters claim that 'working from home' has made life easier for them and the community.Whereas, their critics argue that telecommuting has blurred the boundaries (S) between work and family life, job and social life.In this essay,I shall analyse the (G) arguments of two sides, and conclude why I do not recommend (S) this form of work. [Fine opening, clear position, don't you silent lot think?]

Information technology,undoubtedly,has revolutionised working practices.Take,for example, the people doing their office work at home in countries such as Pakistan and communicating (S) with their central offices through the Internet.Workers are of the view that their peroformance has improved as a result of a flexible working schedule and non-interference (of) from their managers. Another argument often given in favour of 'home-working' is that by reducing the number of commuters,it will lessen the traffic burden during rush hours,and as a result, the movement of other citizens during peak hours will become easier and faster. However (But), I do not think this matter is as simple as has been presented by supporters of this mode of working. Let us, now, look at the other facet of the issue. [Fair enough, the "for" argument, explained in detail, even though we know Rashid does not believe in this line of argument].

Proponents of 'the family first' contend that the practice of performing official tasks at home has encroached (S) upon our family lives.In consequence,family members end up arguing with each other about the balance between time spent working and that spent with the family.Instead of becoming a source of happiness, (the) (G) work (is becoming) becomes (G) a bone of contention. What is more, a lot of people are seeking psychological counselling to tackle the spill over of work to their homes. I,as a doctor,have come across many such disturbed families. Moreover,'home-workers' do not have the facility of taking assistance and guidance from senior office colleagues if they face any difficulty in their work. Besides this ,there is no face-to-face communication between workers and (customers) (WC) clients. Consequently, this leads to their social isolation (away) from their shared offices and social venues. Another problem is that distant employees are not available to administrators for office meetings. Hence, (the) (G) work can not be directly monitored by (owners) (WC) employers / managers (?). [Yes, I feel Rashid has made his case, do you agree?]

In conclusion,I am fully convinced that while telecommuting has provided some flexibilty (S) to modes of working,it has adversely affected the family life and social relationships. I,therefore, do not support this method of working. If it has to be allowed at all (WO), it should be (governed) (WC) enacted in such a way that it does not interfere with the home environment, nor it does it affect interaction between workers, their colleagues, (customers) clients and employers.

Well campers, I think Dr Rashid has done another solid job, don't you think so?

Ieltstroop have proven to be a complete waste of space as regards using the BC weblog to help themselves gain insights into their IELTS weaknesses.

I apologise for the apathy of this class, Rashid, I wonder what I have done wrong. Or maybe that's just how it goes...

Any thoughts anyone?

Rashid, would you care to do a
model Task 1 writing? It would be great if you could attempt to describe a PROCESS from a diagram - how about the "Water Cycle" on Insight to IELTS page 77? That would be great!

Many thanks for your support of the weblog, Rashid - all the very best for 11/13 August!!!

Best regards


Friday, July 15, 2005

Something strange

Hello troopers!

We appear to have lost the www. prefix to our website or have we? How odd!

So our new address might be or is it still ???

Honestly, I never touched anything!

Just to say that I hope you have had a relaxing weekend and that we have a productive week ahead.

Good luck!


Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Get in that Learning Zone - NOW!

Ielts troopers! The learning Zone is there for you to use.

Tonight, from 7.30 - 8.30pm, ANY former students (I-match / I-dream) are most welcome to use the LZ with my new students (I-troop) and show them how to take advantage of the Learning Zone. Rashid, are you free to help out? Honey, Waseem, Ricky or Angel?

To recap frpm last month, this is how to use the BC IELTS programs in the LZ:

The Learning Zone is open daily, Saturday to THURSDAY, from 8.00am to 8.00pm.That means you can access the BC IELTS study program during the mornings, afternoons and before class in the evening (unless the room has been booked for testing or a teacher needs it).Better still, why not make STUDY groups and work together on these tasks?I will show you this evening how to access these IELTS programs. If you can't wait till then, here is what to do:

1 Go to the START button
2 Click on PROGRAMS
3 Scroll down to IELTS Ac or IELTS Gt
4 Click on the icon for IELTS Ac or IELTS Gt
5 Enter the program
6 You have 12 TOPIC areas which cover skills related to your IELTS needs in: words / listening / reading / writing / speaking, decide on the topic area / IELTS skill that you want to practise and OFF YOU GO!
7 Use the RIGHT Click to see tips / answers / redo and so on...

It's a marvellous resource and will help you immensely - my former students swear by the Learning Zone, don't you? Any I-match/dream bloggers reading this, please feel free to comment / post using your account [Comments] or postings [Blogmember unless you want me to invite you to join the blog - which I'm very happy indeed to do!! :) ].

That's all for now, blogmates. Let's have some postings As they say in the vernacular: "ya gotta be in it to win it!"

Bye for now


Sunday, July 10, 2005

TROOPERS: How to post on the weblog

Dear Troopers!

Well done Omar for being the first to register on the blog!

Here's what I told I-dream blog last month - their blog is the biggest of the four British Council weblogs I've had - and they're still posting and giving advice on:

So, follow these instructions:

How to post a message on the blog:

Posting made simple dearI-troopers.

Maybe you don't know how to post a message.It's dead easy.

On the blog go to the "blogger" icon (top left hand of toolbar).This connects you to

Next comes up the blogger website, where you sign in with your username + password.

Email me on if you can't sign in -I can re-invite you.

So, after signing in, the "DASHBOARD" comes up and there you see "IELTSCOMMUNITY 14240221" blog.

Just click on "new post" and there you go, you're in business! If you have windows XP then a choice of fonts and colours come up.

Boom! Boom! Posting made simple in the 21st century!

It's a lot of fun and really, really useful to post / comment on the blog - ask my former pupils!

You know it makes sense!

Bye for now


Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Blogmember rules!

Come on troopers / dreamers / matchers / words / magicians!

Your blog needs you!

Post a comment if you want to be invited personally, or just blogmember it!

Boom! Boom! Just like that!!!

Blogmember goes on and on and on and on .................................

Welcome troopers!

Hello everyone

It's my great pleasure to welcome you to our latest BC weblog.

New and former IELTS students are warmly invited to participate in this enterprise.

Have fun!

Your IELTS prep tutor
